Marcelo Marini, typing from southern Brazil.
Dear reader,
In the last two Fridays we covered Family Business & Family Wealth; Today, we'll finally cover Family Legacy.
We are in the Family Business for little more than 15 years... The more we research, experience, and try to connect the dots, the more dots are missing.
To paraphrase Michelangelo's "I'm still learning"...
It's quite an interesting fact that by doing our research we found out that this quote may come from Ralph Waldo Emerson, but it seems its creator was Seneca; We finally assumed that they were all still learning!
We don't know what we don't know...
That's why we keep an open mind as we are still learning.
We've learned it from our father... he's the best in the field. After reading a variety of books we someday figured that he may never have read a book (at least never told us) so we think that maybe books are reading him...
The missing point.